Increase sales and new business
Anton will create a unique sales presentation to highlight your company, product, or service. Dramagic Productions offers a unique GUARANTEE to multiply customer retention, increase NEW sales, and deliver the ultimate customer service or NO FEE!!!
Best place for electronics, music, and books. Lowest prices and free shipping
We travel the world for the best for less. Our suppliers from the C.E.S./ COMPUTER ELECTRONIC SHOW in Hong Kong and Las Vegas offer our customers new, hot products months and even years before the U.S. market.
Anton at the Miami Expo
Any product or service can be introduced in a new and innovative way without selling. The customer becomes informed with entertainment. Sales triple with great customer service. What we call EDUTAINMENT. Anton sales lectures and presentations to your sales staff will increase customer retention along with individual customer sevice. REMEMBER : EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTINUES after THE SALE!!!