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Dramagic / Trade Shows


Clinical Hypnotherapy, N.L.P. , Psychotherapy, & Noesitherapy


Anton will make your product or service sell like M A G I C!!!

Give your customers something special at the same time helping to feed the hungry and homeless.                      A percentage of my service fee is donated to local charities in your companies name.

Anton at trade show doing what he does best - magical sales
This is a book merchant and Anton at another trade show. He increased sales over 64% with over 723 new future customers during the first day of the convention.
  Special and unique products to sell also need something DIFFERENT to enhance the buying experience

ANTON WILL MAKE YOUR COMPANY STAND OUT AND INCREASE SALES. Visit us at http://www.imin.20m.com for something EXCITING and new.

Increase sales and new business

Anton will create a unique sales presentation to highlight your company, product, or service. Dramagic Productions offers a unique GUARANTEE to multiply customer retention,  increase NEW sales, and deliver the ultimate customer service or NO FEE!!!


Best place for electronics, music, and books. Lowest prices and free shipping

We travel the world for the best for less. Our suppliers from the C.E.S./ COMPUTER ELECTRONIC SHOW in Hong Kong and Las Vegas offer our customers new, hot products months and even years before the U.S. market.


Anton at the Miami Expo

Any product or service can be introduced in a new and innovative way without selling. The customer becomes  informed with entertainment. Sales triple with great customer service. What we call EDUTAINMENT. Anton sales lectures and presentations to your sales staff will increase customer retention along with individual customer sevice. REMEMBER : EXCEPTIONAL CUSTOMER SERVICE CONTINUES after THE SALE!!!

Mental magic as a customer thinks of any cd on the planet and Anton will READ his mind. A great way 2 sell cd's.

Working for the largest spanish music company to introduce new artists/band to the public. We built a very large new customer base for future mailings. LIVE magic is something many people have never seen, except maybe on TV. Anton makes the spectator the magician.


Call or e-mail for free info at 386-673-3502 / magiciananton@yahoo.com